Common controls
Fixed level zoom is possible with: zoom control, double click on map, mouse scroll button and by drawing a rectangle around the area with hold down SHIFT button.Settlements box
Settlement search is possible by introducing the actual settlement name (with diacritics) in the auto search drop down list. Validating the selection with Enter zooms on the selected settlement using maximum zoom level.Map sheets box
After specifying a valid column and row number (current column and row are indicated in the footer) Zoom button centers on it with maximum zoom level. Download button download the original map sheet. Original legend, index map and title sheet can be also downloaded with corresponding buttons.Coordinates box
Every zoom changes the top-left and bottom-right corners according to the visualized extents of the map. Switching the coordinate systems convert the coordinates. Changing the coordinate values and coordinate system doesn’t affect the zoom and pan.Footer
Footer indicates the position of current mouse position showing the maps sheet row and colum number and coordinates in WGS84 (latitude and longitude in decimal degrees), Cassini-Soldner and Stereo70 projections (easting and northing), in both cases expressed in meters.Header
The webpage also offers the possibility to visualize the original legend and the original map on Google Maps and links to the essay and to the main page of project by using the corresponding buttons on header.